Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?

Certainly not to the Jersey Shore...

Monday, May 21, 2007

Hi, Honey, I'm Home!

"Jamie, you're the most undomesticated girl I've ever met.  It's really very sad."
-as quoted directly from the mouth of my father.
After watching my sorry attempt at making pancakes this morning, he was rather disappointed, disheartened, and despicably living in another time period, apparently.  Last time I checked it was 2007 and women weren't still required to slave over a hot oven and clean up after their husbands.  Although he's quite right concerning my lack, I fail to find the sadness in it.
I take pride in my ignorance concerning housekeeping and good housewife etiquette.  I don't cook or clean, nevertheless, I'm confident that my husband will be right proud of me. No doubt :)

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