Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?

Certainly not to the Jersey Shore...

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Happenstance Still Stands

I most assuredly never fathomed being where I am today, therefore I cannot pretend to even slightly know where it is I will be tomorrow.  Uncertainty is the spice of life... as are unexplicable desires that only He can give you.
And thus, in the spirit of letting God lead us where He may, I am proposing a toast to all that is atypical, unexpected, and bizarre in this brief life!  To things that come suddenly and unheralded; hastily and unanticipated.  It is these anamolous events and twists of fate that we should embrace! For they are not as perplexing as they appear, nor are they as accidental as we may think.  Does He not know the plans He has for you?

And so I leave you with this dose of Chariot wisdom:
Some day in the event that man kind actually figures out what it is that this world revolves around, thousands of people are going to be shocked and perplexed to find out that it was not them. Selah.

His will, not mine.

Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

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