Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?

Certainly not to the Jersey Shore...

Monday, August 18, 2008

Moroccan Cedar

Ah yes. What a wonderful scent.  It reminds me of men. Man. Mostly Jim.  When I smell it, I think of all that is masculine or, at the very least, all that I perceive to be masculine.  Funny how life is made up entirely of human perception.  For instance, I perceive Jim to be masculine, in love with me, and in a perpetual state of ignorance concerning all other females in existance. My perception is obviously flawed.
Enough about our faulty senses.
Instead, let us analyze why it may be slightly unsettling when the topic of Jim's ex-girlfriends arises... whether in conversation annually or in my thoughts daily.  To begin with, there is a particular ex that he recently confirmed as still being very attractive.  Oh well.  At least he was honest, right?  The only problem with this scenario is that she took part in the relationship that ended on account of "distance."  They ended it because each was attending college.. not because they were incompatible or because of cheating or because they hated eachother.  No.  They seperated unwillingly.  The worst kind of break up... at least in the book of a current girlfriend.  As far as I know, they have not communicated for 4 years... so I should have no reason to suspect a re-occurence.  Yeah.  As far as I know.
The second ex I find to be leaving a sour taste in my mouth was never a true "ex" in that they never officially dated.  Even worse than the first, this ex has been deeply involved in a slew of very offensive and disrespectful incidents that have taken place over the course of our relationship.  Though there are too many to list, the most recent incident involved her bad-mouthing me to Jim's best friend.  Luckily, some aim status magic was performed and she blocked Jim... nevertheless, I can't help but think she'll once again weasel her way into the picture down the road.  As far as I know, Jim hasn't spoken with her since the bitter beginning of our relationship.
Again... thats just as far as I know.
Somehow, though, I never seem to know enough.

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