Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?

Certainly not to the Jersey Shore...

Saturday, October 15, 2011

"Ignorance is Blissfully Blinding" or "Only the Under-Educated Bash Teachers"

In response to a "friend's" recent facebook status that said the following:

"I'm so sick of teachers whining about pay cuts... take one for the damn team already!

I absolutely agree with you, Jamie. They make WAY too much money as it is. It's not like they're educated professionals that contribute to society in any significant way. Who do they think they are? Professional athletes or something? The ability to throw AND catch a ball is so profound and so integral to the foundation of our society that it deserves to be rewarded with AT LEAST $28.6 million. Those teachers just babysit kids for six hours of the day, then go home at 2:00 like they work a part time job! How hard can babysitting 25 hormonal teens really be? Do not believe the lies of having to motivate them, instill morals in them, counsel them, feed them, or be the only stable figure in their lives. Utter nonsense! And don't even get me STARTED on having summers off! All that spare time they have to get another job and make even MORE money, as if they needed it. Who are they kidding?! They ENJOY being camp counselors and bartenders. Why do they deserve 2 months off?! It's not like they spent 10 months volunteering every spare moment, grading papers all weekend, or planning and preparing lessons every night. I think it's about time they acknowledged the collapsing economy around them and stopped being the selfish, greedy, lazy slobs that we all know they are.