Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?

Certainly not to the Jersey Shore...

Friday, May 30, 2008

A Box of Crayons

Red- The color of my uniform at Ron Jon's, my place of summer employment.  Good times include folding sweatshirts with the aid of a special folding board and assisting rich old men as they decide which hawaiin shirt to buy for their cruise.
Orange- Two of the three days a week that I have off are consumed by Shakespeare and Grammar courses.  Neither of which can be appreciated in a mere 5 weeks time.
Yellow- I passed the english content knowledge Praxis II test.  My score was high enough to have a low GPA and still be certified to teach in NJ.  In other words, I did well.
Green- Jim and I will have been dating for an entire year in less than a month.  For some reason, though, its been very difficult lately.
Blue- Pool Blue, that is.  The color of my dress.  My services as a maid of honor in Rebecca's wedding will be used this June.  Should be good times.
Purple- I've decided to start studying for the LSAT.  Law school may loom ahead depending on how well I do on the test...  and of course it also depends on being accepted into a school.
Black- I hate Halo 3.  Its all Jim thinks about and talks about.  Such a waste of time.  I wish he'd take an interest in classic literature.  Maybe pick up a copy of War and Peace or something...
White- The color of my skin since I have yet to visit the beach.  I'd rather be pennyless and get a nice tan than have all the money Ron Jon's can offer me in one summer and be translucent. I miss the beach :-(